Free CS2 Server Hosts [2024 Options]

Looking to host or rent a CS2 server? There are several benefits to having your own CS2 server, such as the possibility to practice or scrim with your team, or simply engage in funny game-modes. However, sometimes CS2 servers can come pricy and a free option could help with that. Here are some of the best free CS2 server options out there!

#1. SCL - Scrim & Practice Servers
Description: The SCL servers are some of the most growing options out there, especially since they come with pre-configured game-modes such as practice and scrims, but also full admin-rights and RCON. They have locations available in Europe, North America, Asia and Oceania. The SCL servers will also store your server settings to future use.

#2. - Vanilla CS2 servers
Description: At FSHost, you can rent a temporary free CS2 server. The servers are equipped with RCON access and preset match game-modes. They are offering two server locations in Europe.

#3. Freegamehosting - 2 hour servers.
Description: Freegamehosting offers 2-hour CS2 server rentals, and come equipped with the built-in Valve game-modes, such as Competitive, Arms Race, and Demolition. They offer one server location in Europe. RCON is available on the servers and can be used to run server commands.
Last updated: 2024-11-04