CS2 Plugins List [MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp]

MetaMod and Lua are powerful tools in the world of Counter-Strike 2, elevating the game with a diverse selection of plugins. In this article, we explore the top 5 CS2 plugins that leverage MetaMod and Lua scripting, enriching gameplay, server administration, and the overall CS2 experience. These plugins not only enhance functionality but also contribute to the vibrant CS2 community.
#1. Practice & Scrim for CS2
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: This plugin adds the minimum requirements for competitive teams that need a more handy way of managing a few commands from the server side, like config management or replay recording.
#2. Fake RCON
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: Enables for in-game RCON, since Valve has not enabled it yet. Very useful to execute commands.
#3. MiniVIP
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: MetaMod:Source plugin that adds basic VIP player features for CS2
#4. KZ CS2
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: MetaMod:Source plugin that enables for the classic game mode KZ, for movement and strafing lovers!
#5. LO3 Match Plugin
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and LuaUnlocker
Description: 5vs5 competitive match plugin written in Lua VScript for Counter-Strike 2.
#6. Surf Combat CS2
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: A metamod plugin for Surf Combat CS2: Hide legs, Player models, Admin/VIP, Chat Player Prefix
#7. LuaUnlocker
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: Enables the Lua VScripting language, now as a MetaMod plugin!
#8. DM Rank
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: Server plugin for rating deathmatch players.
#9. MatchZy - Match Plugin for CS2
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: MatchZy is a plugin for CS2 (Counter Strike 2) for running and managing pugs/scrims/matches with easy configuration! Warmup with infinite money ? Knife round (With expected logic, i.e., team with most players win. If same number of players, then team with HP advantage wins. If same HP, winner is decided randomly) Start live match (after side selection is done by knife winner. Knife round can also be disabled). Automatically starts demo recording and stop recording when match is ended (Make sure you have tv_enable 1). Support for round restore (Currently using the vanilla valve's backup system). Ability to create admin and allowing them access to admin commands. Database Stats and CSV Stats! MatchZy stores data and stats of all the matches in a local SQLite database and also creates a CSV file for detailed stats of every player in that match!
#10. Server Advertising
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: This MetaMod:Source plugin for CS2 add the advertising functionality to your server. Easily integrated and configured.
#11. MovementUnlocker
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: A Counter-Strike 2 Metamod plugin that removes the max speed limitation from players on the ground, feels like CS:S. Useful for zombie knockback, several movement gamemodes, or just easier bhop.
#12. Get SteamID
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: A simple plugin that adds display of all types of Steam IDs to chat.
#13. AFK Manager
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: An easy to use AFK Manager plugin for CS2.
#14. Mapchooser LITE
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: The most lightweight and functional plugin for changing maps, rtv and nominations. Similar to the SourceMod base plugins.
#15. Colored Smoke Team
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Automatically switches to the map specified in the configuration when it's not in an active state.
#16. PugSharp
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Pugsharp is a CS2 PUG System Plugin built upon the excellent CounterStrikeSharp.
#17. Reset Score
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Automatically switches to the map specified in the configuration when it's not in an active state.
#18. Connect Info Geo LITE
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Shows a message in the chat to inform everyone when a player connects or disconnects, including details about their city and country.
#19. CS2 Speedometer
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: A simple speedometer for CS2. Useful for KZ and other movement servers.
#20. CS2 Mini Admin
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: An excellent admin plugin for CS2. Handle bans, kicks, maps and more using simple chat commands.
#21. CS2 Instadefuse
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: A brilliant plugin for retake servers. Instadefuse functionality, easily installed and configured.
#21. CS2 Mini Admin
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: An excellent admin plugin for CS2. Handle bans, kicks, maps and more using simple chat commands.
#22. MapConfigurator
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Easily create unique configuration files on a per-map basis. Useful for retake, surf and kz servers
#23. CS2 Whitelist
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: A simple plugin to easily whitelist specific players by SteamID. Useful for smaller community servers, or VIP.
#24. CS2 NoBlock
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Remove the blocking between players. Useful when playing zombie, surf or other community servers.
#25. CS2 Skins and knife plugin
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: Allows for custom skins and knifes. Beta release.
#26. CS2 Enable Coaching
Requirement: Based on MetaMod
Description: Allows for coaching ingame, using .coach, .uncoach and more. Simple plugin based on MetaMod only.
#27. CS2 Discord Report System
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Allows players to send reports (complaints) about other players.
#28. CS2 Discord Relay
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: This plugin sends chat messages from players to your Discord channel, enhancing communication and monitoring between the game and Discord server. I'm going to add more relay modules.
#29. CS2 ZombieSharp
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: A simple CS2 Zombie plugin.
#30. CS2 Weapon-Restrict
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Prohibits purchase or picking up certain weapons for CS2 servers.
#31. CS2 TeleportCommand
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: CS:Sharp Advanced teleport command plugin for Counter-Strike 2
#32. CS2 AdminChat
Requirement: Based on MetaMod and CounterStrikeSharp
Description: Designed to enhance in-game communication for administrators.
How to install MetaMod
1. Download MetaMod from the official website.
2. Drag and drop the addons folder into the root /cs2 (or /csgo) folder of your CS2 dedicated server.
3. Locate the file gameinfo.gi file of your server, and add the line Game csgo/addons/metamod under the line "Game_LowViolence csgo_lv" of the file.
4. Now, MetaMod should be enabled on your server. You can verify this by submitting the command meta list in the server console.
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Last updated: 2023-12-13